Money Saving Tips…Make Your Windshield Repair Supplies Go Farther

Every windshield repair company relies on a number of different resins and supplies to make their operation successful. Here we will share some money saving tips to make your supplies last longer and go farther.

dlxcombo2Resin – Surely the most expensive of your supplies and one you want to go as far as possible. Most windshield repair resins have a 1 to 2 year shelf life at room temperature. The resin in your vehicle is usually subject to temperatures much higher than that, especially during the hot summer months. Take approximately 1/4 ounce of resin with you in your vehicle and store the bulk of your resin in your temperature controlled shop. When working outdoors, keep your resin bottles closed until you are ready to dispense the resin into your injector or syringe. Try to shade the open bottle from direct sunlight so as not to expose the resin to the sun’s ultraviolet light. Continue reading